Disability Sport Annual Report and Accounts 2018/19

Tue 19th November 2019

Disability Sport NI is pleased to present our Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2019. Both documents can be found below:

Annual Report – Please CLICK HERE to play. 

Annual Report

Accounts 2018/19

Both documents have been made available to members prior to Disability Sport NI’s 21st Annual General Meeting schduled for 7pm on Tuesday 26th November 2019 at The Hilton Hotel, Castle Upton Estate, Templepatrick, BT39 0DD.

The meeting will give members an opportunity to hear first hand the progress made during 2018-19 and there will also be an opportunity to hear about our exciting plans to develop a NI Disability Sports Centre of Excellence at the Newforge site in Belfast. Disability Sport NI is also pleased to announce that the evening will include annual club awards for the first time.

If you would like to request documents in another format or for further information please contact us on 028 9046 9925 or email@dsni.co.uk.